The American Main Street Initiative vigorously defends everyday Americans, the Constitution, and the American way of life. Please consider donating, as we rely on donations to fund our work.


Top 5 Reasons to Support the American Main Street Initiative:

  1. We stand up for everyday Americans, not coastal “elites”—an extremely rare quality among think tanks

  2. The only way for pro-Main Street, pro-Constitution groups to survive and thrive is to support them—otherwise, the country is left with nothing but well-funded establishment groups that do the bidding of coastal “elites”

  3. Our lean, high-impact model provides more bang for your donation buck—our influence far outshines our slim operating budget and almost nonexistent overhead

  4. Our unique blend of statistical, rhetorical, and philosophical insights—our “secret sauce”—enables us have real impact in shaping the debate

  5. We are highly collaborative, yet independent—our efforts are amplified by partnerships with groups like the Heritage Foundation, The American Conservative, and American Moment, yet we maintain our independent Main Street focus

    Honorable mention: Unlike so many other groups, we won’t reward your generosity by sharing your personal information or hounding you for more money

Support the Initiative

We greatly appreciate your support!

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